Thursday, June 30, 2011

Personal Health Records

What a shame...

One of the 'briefs' that I subscribe to is the ANA 'SmartBriefs' (which, if you belong to ANA, is a wonderful quick resource to updates in the nursing world - all aspects - clinical, administrative, research, and informatics).

Anyway - today's 'SmartBrief' contained a short article about Google's Personal Health Record (PHR) and the fact that it has chosen to discontinue the service due to...are you ready..."poor adoption by consumers." My personal belief is that this a sad statement/commentary on informatics and implementation of consumer control of their own health records (and ultimately their own health). Perhaps you disagree?

The article is a simple web article located on the website 'Health Data Management' and can be found at or by clicking here.

Now there was another very interesting article on another site I follow on LinkedIn which is Health Informatics Technology (HIT). That article (and corresponding blog) discussed that the real reason that Google’s PHR ‘failed’ in sustaining its implementation related to money. Or, more specifically, the ‘legacy reimbursement’ (or fee-for service) payment model. The author here does discuss the premise of what PHRs are intended to do…which is give consumers control over their health, and records. This was a very interesting take on the situation.

That article is located on the LinkedIn site, but I found it from its original source at Tech Crunch and can be found at or by clicking here.

I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this?

Professor Lenhart

Monday, June 27, 2011

New Nursing Informatics Certification Test!

The ANCC released the 'new and improved' certification information!

I knew you would all be so excited to discover what will be on the test when you graduate, that I have decided to post the link to the pdf for you to go to and 'bookmark' at your convenience.
ANCC Informatics Nursing Board Certification: Test Content Outline

This is great stuff, as it is right in-line with everything we've been talking about - Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom; Change Theories; Systems Life Cycle; Usability and End-User Interface; Hardware and Software Components; Project Management; HIEs; and my personal favorite - Standardized Terminologies!

If you recognize any of the above, you are at the right place, and should continue reading our content here at Nursing Informatics Blog Central! Stay Tuned!

Professor Lenhart (AKA SecondActRN)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Below are the seven recognized nursing specific standardized terminologies recognized by the ANA. These are current and are used by vendors and healthcare agencies.

CCC - Clinical Care Classification
ICNP - International Classification of Nursing Practice
NANDA - North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
NIC - Nursing Intervention Classification
NOC - Nursing Outcome Classification
Omaha System
PNDS - Perioperative Nursing Data Set

Plus 2 more that are interdisciplinary

SNOMED - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine.
LOINC - Logical Observation Identifiers Names & Codes

For links to information about each see:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tiger Supporters

Please see the press release below regarding the TIGER Foundation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am currently seeking employment at a local hospital informatics department. Will I be able to use this as a practicum site if I get the job?


Hi all!!
Could you share with us how you are progressing on finding practicum sites? Please updates as things change. We would like to make sure all of you are progressing and not have any issues. If you are having issues please contact Tara Whitworth. If she is unable to resolve these let Dr. Fant or myself know.
Exciting news!!! The MN 515 students will be joining our blog.
Mary Anne Theiss

Friday, June 17, 2011

ANIA-CARING List serve

Hi everyone!!
It is nice to stay connected with you all! That sounds Southern (you all!!) No I am from chilly upstate New York. I just wanted to remind you that you can join ANIA-CARING for 3 months for free. This professional organization is a wonderful way to get ideas to answer discussion questions, look for practicum locations, jobs and learn about the nitty gritty problems of Informatics. Please join the directions are below:

Here are the instructions to join, if you wish, the first 3 months are free Kaplan Student, Go to Membership Membership application Enter e-mail under New Users field Fill out fields (especially those in bold) Submit (even though it says $40) Discount Code – student2011 Apply This means you are a member, but you need to follow instructions at Actionsàelist to add yourself to the elist. Login with your new user name and password. Go to your profile and follow the instructions under Actions>>elist. You will have a three month courtesy membership. Enjoy